Circle of Security Parenting™

Circle of Security Parenting™(COSP) is an 8 session attachment based program for caregivers.

The goal is to help caregivers enhance secure attachment within their relationships with their children and to lay the foundation for long lasting social and emotional wellbeing.

COSP aims to empower caregivers to shift their response to their child’s behaviour from “what does my child want from me?” to “what does my child need from me?”, and to prioritize relationship, connection and secure attachment in their caregiving approach.

Circle of Security™may be right for for you if…

You sometimes feel overwhelmed by your child’s big emotions and are left feeling unsure how to manage them.

You notice that you and your child repeat the same patterns over and over again, with the same frustrating results.

You are interested in trying a new approach to responding to your child’s needs and behaviour

For information and videos on the research and concepts behind Circle of Security Parenting™, visit the following pages on Circle of Security™International’s website:

What is the Circle of Security?

Resources for Parents

Golden Larch Therapy is pleased to offer individual, couple and group options for Circle of Security Parenting™. Click here for details and pricing.